KRA - Ken Rose Associates
KRA stands for Ken Rose Associates
Here you will find, what does KRA stand for in Fashion under Industry category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Ken Rose Associates? Ken Rose Associates can be abbreviated as KRA What does KRA stand for? KRA stands for Ken Rose Associates. What does Ken Rose Associates mean?The United States based company is located in Wayne, New Jersey engaged in apparel & fashion industry.
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Alternative definitions of KRA
- Key Result Area
- Key Result Area
- Kansas Republican Assembly
- Kansas Reading Association
- Kempsville Recreation Association
- K. R. Anderson, Inc.
- Key Responsibility Area
- Kerang, Victoria, Australia
View 29 other definitions of KRA on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
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- KRG Keystone Resource Group
- KBC Kerrie Blevins Consulting
- KDC Koki Design Creations
- KFC Kenya Flower Council
- KCS Keene Central School
- KAG Kay Arr Group
- KTIL Kenya Tea Industries Ltd
- KSII Kent Sussex Industries Inc
- KIG Kennedy Investment Group
- KKI Kenwood Kitchens Inc
- KTG Kingston Training Group
- KLG Klein Law Group
- KCCC Kiddie City Child Care
- KFG Key Financial Group
- KESCG KES Consulting Group
- KIP Kaizen Institute Portugal
- KAI Krull Agency Inc
- KPM Keyes Property Management